Become a Member

 McLean Art Society encourages anyone interested in art to join our organization. Most of our members are artists themselves, either as part-time enthusiasts or as full-time professional artists. Non-artists are also welcome. The main requirement for membership is a love of art, a desire to learn, and a willingness to support local artists. Membership is open to all persons (16 and older) who reside in the metropolitan and surrounding areas.  
     MAS meets monthly, September through May, at the McLean Community Center. The highlight of each meeting is a demonstration and/or a lecture by a noted local artist. Most demonstrations involve oil, watermedia, or pastel paintings, but can feature any artistic medium is of interest. MAS welcomes photographers, fiber artists, sculptors, calligraphers, art historians, and others as monthly speakers or as members.
      A fundamental purpose of MAS is to educate not just members, but also the general public. For this reason, all meetings, lectures, exhibits and demonstrations are free and open to the public. 
      MAS members exhibit and sell their work at locations such as Springhill and Oakmont Recreation Centers, and as a group at local art shows held periodically, such as MPA‘s annual Artfest scheduled for October at McLean Central Park. Each year, several MAS art exhibits also take place at various sites in the area.
     MAS members enjoy other advantages in addition to the opportunity to sell art, and the camaraderie of like-minded friends. Members receive a monthly newsletter with information about artists, upcoming shows, artists opportunities, and not-to-miss events like National Gallery of Art special exhibits. Also, MAS members are able to create personal webpages on the MAS website, and are featured and promoted on MAS Instagram and Facebook sites.

     Membership dues ($45 per year) cover expenses like the website, member webpages and speaker fees. All MAS officers and chair persons are unpaid volunteers, but annual funding must still be found for shows and operating expenses. For this reason, if you cannot join as a member, donations of any amount would be gratefully accepted.


Membership Application

To become a member, send the Membership application along with the dues. We are looking forward to welcoming new members!

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