What: Original Art  $150 and under

When: February 7-9 

Where: Church of the Covenant, 2666 Military Rd, Arlington, VA 

This is not a juried show. There is no limit on the number of items each artist can bring, but each item should be priced at $150 or less. The registration fee is $30. MAS will take 10% commission on sales.

  • Receiving: Friday, 2/7, 12:30-1:30 pm (please contact Julia if you need to make special arrangements for receiving)
  • Opening Reception: Friday, 2/7, 5pm – 8 pm
  • Sale Times:      Friday, 2/7, 5-8 pm 

                                 Saturday, 2/8, 10-4 

                                 Sunday, 2/9, 12-4 


  1. Email Julia Bezgacheva at [email protected] to register.

  1. Pay your registration fee of $30. NEW: there are now two ways to pay, you can either mail your check or pay online:

Option 1: Mail your check of $30 written to MAS to Julia Bezgacheva at 6276 15th Road North, Arlington, VA, 22205. 


Option 2: Pay Securely Online at https://buy.stripe.com/fZe6r04gO3g09tm144

Here is the link to sign up for your shifthttps://signup.com/go/fphwBRG

Download and complete Labels and Inventory:



Turn in the inventory sheet when you deliver your paintings. It will be used to track all artists’ sales. MAS will take a 10% commission on all sales. 

     Every artist who is participating will have to distribute at least 25-30 show cards and sign up to volunteer. Artists are also asked to bring a bottle of wine or snack for the reception. 

     All paintings intended to hang should fit on 32” wide screens. All paintings must follow MAS  framing/hanging guidelines and have a PRINTED sales label using the MAS format.  Artists can bring table pieces no larger than 9”x12” (including frame) with their own easels. It is a good idea to label your easel.  MAS has a large bin that will hold about 5 artists’ work which you can use if you don’t want to bring your own. You may also bring cards for sale. 

Contact Julia at [email protected] with any questions.


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